Joe Safety strikes yet again. Liam, wearing his Daddy's hard hat 'cause he's too lazy to go and get his brand spanking new helmet from Grandma that he LOVES, is riding his big wheel in the driveway. He notices a few kids driving by at the corner. None of them are wearing helmets.
Liam: "They don't have their helmets on, Momma! They should. I have my helmet on." Great. Not only is he a narc, but he's a holier than thou narc :).
Liam and Connor, apparently on a safari for junk food, are skulking about the dining room table. Liam nonchalantly mentions, being sure Momma is listening, "Oh, look Connor! I believe it's cake. Yes, It is cake!" He knows darn well it's cake. He was with me when I put it on the table. Smarty pants thinks if he mentions it in passing Momma might offer him some. What two year old says "I believe" anyway?? Cute as the ploy was he still had to wait until after dinner.
Liam has been trying to inject himself into dinnertime conversation between Mark and I. Usually we'll ask about his day or he'll mimic what he hears us talking about, "I like my chicken, Momma" or "Can I have more mashed potatoes, please?" Today he asked me what the name of the pasta we were eating was. He likes to know these things so he can ask for his favorites when we shop. Currently he's loving the mini-wheels. Since he liked the mini version so much I decided to get baby shells this week.
Liam: "What kind of pasta is this, Momma?"
Me: "Baby shells."
Liam: "No, they're regular shells."
Me: "No, they're baby shells. Regular shells are bigger."
Liam: "Why don't we have regular shells, Momma?"
Me: "Because, these are the ones I bought. The regular shells are still at the store."
Liam: "Oh, That was a good explanation."
Me: "What?!?"
Liam: "It's a good explanation."
Me: "I thought so. Thank you."
Liam: "What's an explanation, Momma?"
Honestly. Where does this kid get this stuff? :)
We Moved!!!
13 years ago
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