Yes, it's been awhile. I haven't had any real stories to write, just random things, so I figured I'd post those.
Liam loves Sesame Street. He watches faithfully every morning while Daddy gets ready for work and Momma makes breakfast. His favorite part is, of course, Elmo's World. He does a killer rendition of the theme song, btw, ending with a flourish and one hand pointed to the sky while he looks up. Very rock 'n roll. Anyway, he's started mimicking the segment on Elmo where the kids explain to Elmo's goldfish, Dorothy, how to do something. Everything he does, he says aloud in that format like he's speaking to an invisible goldfish.
While brushing his teeth: "This is how you brush your teeth, Dorothy" (proceeds to brush)
While Daddy uses Listerine: "That is how you use Listerine, Dorothy" (points to Daddy)
While eating breakfast: (picks up a big hunk of scrambled eggs, no fork of course, and says with his mouth full)"This is how you eat eggs, Dorothy"
This morning, out of nowhere, Liam picks up Mark's work boots and puts them on. He starts shuffling around the house and tells me he's ice skating. He grabs my shoes from the bedroom and tells me: "C'mon Momma, ice skate with me." I know it's been cold lately, but geez...
I've been trying to see how much of the whole Christmas thing Liam understands. He's been very excited by the start of holiday music and decorations. He's seen Santa at the mall and gets all smiley and happy to tell me about it. He understands that Santa brings gifts on Christmas Eve. He remembers leaving cookies out last year, actually he remembers that all Santa left was "Crumbs, Momma!" After a trip to the mall with Daddy followed by him excitedly telling Momma all about giving Santa five I decided to ask him about Christmas.
Me: "What would you like for Christmas?"
Liam, after thinking long and hard about it : "I want presents."
We Moved!!!
13 years ago
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