I think this one deserves to be filed under 'Well, ain't that the truth!'
After full day of driving each other nuts, the boys are still at it. I see Liam try, once again, to grab a toy before Connor can get to it.
Momma: "Liam, Do you think you could play nicely with your brother?"
Liam: "That isn't possible."
Momma: "What did you say?"
Liam, in all earnestness: "That is not possible, Momma."
Saturday, February 28, 2009
February 26
Posted by AlehouseGirl at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
February 15
Most kids want a pet. Liam is no different. He has been asking for a monkey. Yes, a monkey. I think it is due to his obsession with Curious George. I hope it is due to his obsession with Curious George. I have had a hard time trying to get through to him as to why a monkey isn't the best choice for a pet. I have explained how much work they are. How hard they are to get. How much happier they are in their natural habitats. No dice. The kid wants a monkey.
Today we were watching Sid the Science Kid when Sid started talking about a dog in the neighborhood.
Liam: "Momma, I want a dog for a pet."
YAY! I am happy that he is finally asking for a pet that is something he may actually have a chance of getting someday. I try to control my excitement when I reply.
Momma: "A dog? That's a nice pet to have."
Liam: "Yes, I'd like a dog to go with my monkey."
Posted by AlehouseGirl at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
February 9
We had a few friends over for dinner last night. I made some pizza and a salad, nothing fancy. Liam, unlike most 2 1/2 year olds is much more interested in the salad than the pizza. Specifically the grape tomatoes in the salad. As soon as he realized the tomatoes were in the salad he proceeded to ask everyone at the table if they were going to eat their tomatoes.
Liam: "I can help you with your tomatoes if you want, Amy"
Liam: "Are you going to eat that tomato, Sherri?"
Momma: "Liam, eat some more of your pizza and then we'll give you some more tomatoes."
(Yes, I know this sounds crazy. What mother says this? Yes, son, please put down that healthy vegetable/fruit and have some more fatty junk food. I was just thinking of the protein in the cheese and the acid in the tomatoes.)
Liam, after a few (OK, two) bites of pizza: "More tomatoes now, Daddy?"
Daddy: "What's the magic word?" We've never used this phrase with him before, apparently...
Daddy: "Do you know the magic word?"
Liam: "Magic?"
Daddy: "Please. Can I have some more tomatoes, please?"
Liam: "Can I have some more tomatoes and the magic word....pleeeeease?"
Yeah, we'll be working on that one :).
P.S. Just a quick shout out. If you like this blog, try my other blog at:
Posted by AlehouseGirl at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: magic word, tomatoes
Thursday, February 5, 2009
February 4
After a long morning of mostly ignored requests and general disobedience (doesn't that sound like a punk rock band title, btw?) I was at my wits end. I left the boys downstairs for a moment with the instructions, "Momma is going upstairs to get some clothes for you guys. I will be back down in one minute. Please stay right here."
I reach the top of the stairs and open the door to the boys' armoire. No screaming, crashing, or other warning signs...doing well so far. Then I hear the telltale creak of the door at the bottom of the stairs. I whip around the corner faster than you can say "no more patience" and see Liam start to climb up the stairs.
Momma: "I asked you to wait downstairs, little boy. I will be down in one minute, if you take one more step up those stairs, so help me, I will put you in time out."
Liam, stops in his tracks (I told you he was smart), but looks quite confused: "I don't think I want to help you, Momma. I'll stay downstairs."
Posted by AlehouseGirl at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: disobedience, help, misunderstood
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
February 2
Random Conversations with Liam: Part 1:
Television: "...blah blah...my girlfriend was asking...blah blah blah..."
Liam: "Are you a girlfriend, Momma?"
Me: "No, bud, I'm a wife. A girlfriend is..."
Liam, interrupting: "Is Emily a girlfriend? She's a girl. I'm a boy and Connor is a boy."
Me: "Not exactly."
Liam: "I used to have girlfriend before. I don't want have one anymore."
Posted by AlehouseGirl at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: girlfriend